The door that was opened for me closed slowly and quite gracefully, and left plenty of time for me to continue walking. My counterpart, on the other hand, her door's hinges must have been greased recently, because it had a mousetrap-like spring back and totally nailed her. I can't think of something more embarrassing than having a door slammed on you. Actually I can...
Here is a list of things that have made me laugh recently:
-Running with a backpack
-Throwing something left-handed
-The word "giggle" in general
-The cactus' in the testing center
-Wii hula hooping
-Describing the "No Shhh" zone to a non-BYU person
-Velco on bowling shoes - now you can look like a decrepit old person
-Slipping on the ice and trying to look like nothing happened
-Mr. Bean
-Cat posters

1 comment:
Jason--We added your blog to our blog list when you posted the link on facebook. You make us laugh.
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