Monday, October 4, 2010

Increased Attention

The world would be a better place if we couldn't talk on the phone and drive. In fact, I would argue our social lives would improve.

I was winding down a scenic road with some friends in my sports-like Ford Taurus when I suddenly got a phone call. I picked up and small talked with my friend Matt for a few minutes.

My friends were all laughing, windows down, so I told Matt I had to get going. He said something else that I couldn't really hear, so I wrapped up the conversation:

"Well great talking with you, I'll call you again soon," I yelled over the phone.

"No Jason, I don't think you heard me - my wife is pregnant. I'm going to be a father," Matt reiterated. 

My eyes widened, foot eased on the pedal, and I gawked openly as I suddenly processed what was said. Now there's no faking your way thorough not hearing that your friend is going to be a father. So I didn't even try. 

Needless to say I pay considerable more attention when my married friends call. I hope Matt will still name his child after me.
Actual picture of the drive. My Ford Taurus has had some extensive body work done. 

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Jason, nice car, but you're not watching the road.