While my buddy and I were backpacking on the East Coast we stopped and visited our buddy in Atlantic City. He always wears polos and smells like oakwood, whereas my friend and I had been living out of our backpacks and showering at the occasional hostel.
The three of us decide to go charter fishing. My preppy friend in his Abercrombie shirt. We're all fishing and end up catching a shark. (I know, that's probably the manliest thing possible besides Bear Grylls). My buddy and I get shark blood on ourselves while wrestling it to the boat, and start calling eachother sharkblood.
While we're busy fighting with a shark, a bird flies overhead and drops a missile. It totally splats in his nicely-gelled hair. His nickname for the day? Birdpoop.
Sharkblood and Birdpoop
ummmm can I just say how happy I am that Bear Grylls has brought joy into your life??!! You should read his survival book (I'm not even kidding - i checked it out one time from my library back home and it has changed my life). Let's have a Man Vs. Wild marathon party as soon as you get back to Provo!
lol oh my gosh, YESSSS! haha love this story.
also, didn't know you were going to the east coast to backpack?! that's amazing! you should stop in ky. you can stay with my parents. :)
You better have let that nice shark go.
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