"Lisa, people do lots of crazy things in commercials...like eat Arby's." -Marge Simpson
"If I can keep down Arby's, I can keep down you." -Homer Simpson
What do all of these celebrities have in common? Yes, they all feel the same way towards Arby's. Usually I don't blindly follow the media, but in this case I think they have a good point.
Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, "boy, I feel like eating Arby's!"
Do you eat at Arby's when you're not on a roadtrip?
Do you even know what the Arby's mascot is?
If you answered 'no' to these questions, then hopefully you realize that this restaurant is not for you. You may have also realized that their meat on their sandwiches comes from a liquid gel and that they get one of the worst cleanliness reviews of all fast food restaurants.
For some reason my roommates love Arby's. To be honest I think they took this side because of my strong preference against it. While coming back from grocery shopping we take a vote on where we want to eat, and to be funny they teamed up against me and choose Arby's.
Upon arriving, the restaurant was barren-empty and the workers all looked ready to kill themselves. We all ordered (myself very reluctantly) and I think it's safe to say that we all had an Arby's-sick feeling during and afterwards eating. I guess the real kicker was that when we got home and were setting up our router, untold to me they named our wireless connection name "We love Arby's." Now whenever I meet someone from the area and I tell them I live in Aretta Gardens 16 they say, "oh, so you love Arby's?" fml
With such good promotions as this, how could you resist the Arby's craving?

If you want to see something really funny, when I googled "arby's" for the picture, I came across this wikipedia article.
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