I walk in and the music begins rupturing my ears. The cologne is being piped through the air ducts. Naked models stare at me, challenging me to try on a pair of ripped jeans.
Why I'm 23 years old and still shop at Abercrombie is because (a) my buddy works there, and (b) I like how the jeans fit.
I find a pair a like, try it on quickly, and purchase it.
Wearing the jeans later in the week, I go to put them on and realize they don't have a zipper. Instead they have three buttons.
I realize how this must be trendy, sexier, etc. But nonetheless when I'm in a bathroom with a slew of other guys, myself struggling to unbutton my pants - I look like a nutcase.
A future college grad battling with his pants in the bathroom is not the image I wish to portray. So next time you see me in my new jeans, just compliment them and know that I've been practicing in my spare time.
Seriously it gets easier as it gets worn in. The first few are the toughest. I've heard that's true for other things too though ;)
Did you miss the sale at Baby Gap?
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