Well my little sister decided to have her birthday party at the aforementioned location, and one of the key attractions is the laser tag.
Walking into the futuristic arena, your white shirt suddenly becomes a glowing beacon. Shoelaces glisten. Even your white teeth gives away your location in the black lights.
I was playing with a couple of my friends, Kelsey and Shinji, and all of the kids decided that it wouldn't be fair to have my buddy and I on the same team. Shinji and I play sports together every day. Waging on who will get the highest score among each other, we stealthily enter into the gaming area and begin playing.
Out-of-body experience hardly describes my time in the arena. Diving, tagging kids from across the map, and dodging lasers filled the 5-minute window.
After the match I triumphantly hung up my vest and gun, asking Shinji with a smirk what his score was.
"1,000" Shinji reported proudly. Scoffing, I told him my score - a whopping 3,500. Discussing the match, we walk outside of the arena to look at the overall scoreboard. Kelsey follows us out quietly, hardly having broken a sweat.
She cutely inquires her score and tells us her number. My buddy and I both do a double-take - 27,000!
That's seven times better than our scores combined. She modestly shrugs, mentioning her previous shooting experience and how we could use some practice.
Last time I ever play laser tag with a girl.
These pictures illustrate perfectly the range of skill. Actual picture of Kelsey training for the laser tag match.