Friday, July 16, 2010


I am tired of mosquitos for the following reasons:
  • They suck blood. I faint when I see blood. Hence squishing a mosquito can be disastrous. 
  • Mosquitos are everywhere. What frustrates me is they're always buzzing around your ears, and you never know if it's a swarm or just the same one doing his rounds.
  • Buzzing. I think the only sound more annoying is a vuvuzela, and that's saying a lot. 
But I have a solution. Why are we wasting our time with insect repellent and electric zappers? The real fix is to just put out a big bag of blood. 

Mosquitos would be happy. We would be happy. Problem solved. 


martha said...

that might be the worst idea ever. that could only mean more mosquitos, and a viscious cycle towards the downfall of humans.

Laura "Kaz" said...

haha, well, that may seem like a good idea, but how would you get the mosquitoes to go to the bag of blood? mosquitoes are attracted by CO2, so your best bet is to stop breathing while outside in the summer time ;P or moving to antartica.