At work yesterday I was riding down the freight elevator. Now this is not a typical elevator...imagine a moving cage that shakes as it moves, full of wooden carts and old fixtures.
Running through my mind is the age of the cord holding the heavy elevator up, amount of bugs stuck in the cobweb above me, or what snack I should have brought in case the elevator stopped.
As the cage is trembling to a stop I jam the "Open Door" button down. The metal door starts rising from the bottom up, and suddenly there is a loud scream.
A large man, in all black, jumps at the opening elevator door. Naturally my man instincts kick in as I jump back, aghas.
He starts laughing, hysterically, as I realize that it's one of my coworkers. His face was lit up in joy, contrasted greatly by my mine in pale white.
"Wow," I thought sarcastically as I stepped out of the elevator, "this is going to spread like wildfire." And it has throughout my work. Essentially I need a good way to get him back - and hopefully better than scaring him innocently in the freight elevator.